Personality: Is It Even A Thing?

Ayush Jha
3 min readOct 1, 2022
Photo by Hunter Bryant on Unsplash

I have no idea what personality even means, is it how I carry myself? or how I behave?

The word personality is often used to judge and especially when it comes to dating.

Whatever personality means it’s very important as we’ve been told over the years.

Anyway, let’s start with whatever I know about myself.

I am a hardcore introvert to the point where it’s quite dangerous for my mental health (don’t worry I am working on that) and some days don’t even leave my room, but you know what, I enjoy it.

I enjoy staying home and working and yes go to the gym regularly and eat healthily, that’s the part I don’t compromise.

Recently started meditating and it brings a sense of calmness and helps me sleep as sometimes I suffer from insomnia due mind not being able to shut down from everything that I did all day. Do you guys meditate? Let me know.

Occasionally I enjoy going to places like restaurants and movie theatres but still do those activities alone.

I’ve enjoyed doing things alone and hardly ever regret it, don’t get me wrong, relationships are important, especially for overall mental well-being but that along with work shouldn’t take all the time.

Another thing I’ve worked on for the last few months is to stop overthinking, I used to overthink a lot all the time and it didn’t help especially while being in an era of pandemic and soon realized that if I want to take my life forward then this needs to stop.

I am in a better stage now as compared to last year, sometimes I do have off days where it just feels very tense but now I have the ability to deal with it.

If you’re going through a tough time, try to do something about it so it deosn’t hurt many things in life.

Seek therapy if possible or talk to loved ones because those things help plenty and start meditating, you’ll love it.

I am quite shy and don’t talk much and but if comfortable with someone, I talk a lot like a lot and do live by those rules. Unnecessary talking and chatting or talking bad about someone is avoided in most situations.

Going to the gym helps to look forward to something and there’s nothing like the rush of endorphins after the workout.

Try to workout, go for a walk, jog, play sports, these things helps to maintain physique and health.

I am guilty of having hobbies.

As a child, I used to be a very big Cricket (the sport) fan and used to watch and play it whenever possible, but it stopped after growing up because of lack of friends and moving to a different city where many teens don’t play cricket didn’t help.

Started playing games on my phone and got addicted pretty badly so I stopped it as it was becoming a harmful addiction.

Then started watching movies and shows regularly but for some reason now I watch those occasionally.

Got addicted to youtube thinking that it was educating me but as you know too much of a good thing isn’t good, so now I’ve limited my usage of youtube.

Overall I’m in a great place physically and mentally and everything is well.

Final words

Just like everyone else I’m trying to be a better person each day and work on myself while not neglecting mental and physical health.

Not trying to make things complicated but simple and enjoyable to make my lifestyle last long and still improve in all the departments of life.

Thank you so much

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Ayush Jha

The Digital Writer | I write about health and personal development - | Contact for writing gigs -